Welcome to International Call to Artists "Black and White" Online Art Competition and Exhibition!!!


Art4you Gallery announces a call to artists for an online juried international art competition and exhibition. 

Cash award to Best 3 in Show, all award winners receive 1 month On-Line Exhibition, Social Media Recognition, E-Blast Promotion & Award Certificate.

This is the first event as a part of ONLINE ART FEST 2020.


Jesno Jackson is the curator of this show, currently running this competition to raise awareness of the true-life people faced during Covid19 to defeat coronavirus pandemic, which will soon be published as an eBook. So she decided to find talented artist to send their entries and thus the Top 9 artworks will be considered for the eBook's front cover, inviting artists from around the world to submit their work! 

Also all front cover illustrations in black and white submissions will be considered throughout the pages of the ebook.

Looking forward for this juried opportunity for artists worldwide to have a month long virtual exhibition.

As with this major exhibition, at the end we will give the artist the digital catalogue that will tell all your exhibited works. 

The catalogue will be shared with best customers and collectors, also post in web portal and social media platforms as a part of promo.

The collaboration of Art4you Gallery with artists, will enable the artist to develop their work or their entire series of set of works that will be advertised and presented to all buyers of the commercial network.

The contest is addressed to professional and amateur artists, graphic designers, painters , photographers , etc...from all over the world, giving them opportunity to become involved effectively in the art market and deco.

The virtual art exhibition will be open on 30th May 2020. 

Will share artists profile in social media platforms. 

Pls chk our page soon for like, share and comment! 

For any info , contact us !!!

Jesno  Jackson

Curator / Art4you Gallery Founder.