RECONNECT & CREATE!!! Spend your quality times with your most valued people at our beautiful farm. Breath fresh air with "RECONNECT" - The Salt March Program , In collaboration with RAK Natures Treasures, supported by ART4You Gallery. Join and Paint with the "COLLECTIVE ART OF METANOIA" - RAK based artist in collaboration with Art4you Gallery CO-CREATE - The First Collective Gallery Calling all Nature Enthusiasts to the farm on March 12, 9AM to 6PM Friday 2021. Join us for a unique Experience with 15 Programs. Speakers/ Workshops/ Wellness Activities RAK Natures Treasures have many attractions that will keep you away from all the hustles,the chaos from city life. Enjoy with us @ RAK Natures Treasures #mydubai #myrak #uae #holidays #visitdubai #visitrasalkhaimah #coolestwinter #farmvisit #art4yougallery #reconnect #rakartists #UAEartists #shoutout #liveart #livepainting About Venue: RAK Nature's Treasures was founded in September 2014. Comprises of a collection of gemstones, fossils, seashells, preserved insects and bugs, taxidermy animals and birds as well as herbs and spices from all over the world. RAK Nature's Treasures have established a unique, private museum of natural history in Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates. About “Collective Art of Metanoia”: Collective Art of Metanoia is an innovative projected created by Mental Strength & Wellness advocacy initiative RECONNECT in United Arab Emirates . It is a form of art therapy that aims at promoting collective artistic collaboration & creating shared experiences that help participating individuals in understanding & experiencing the dissolution of the ego & it’s transformation into openness and surrender to the power of the collective consciousness. * Visitors can buy food for purchase. * Fee give access to entire program and the farm WHY IS THIS PROGRAM IMPORTANT: *Addresses feelings of loneliness and isolation that many artists are experiencing from their separation from other artists or the community. *Promotes Art as means to respond to the world with our senses in a meaningful, skilled, productive, active and shared way. *Showcases shared artistic experiences as examples of successful shared economies. *Teaches artists important lessons and values such as successful collaboration, sharing, adaptability and working towards common goals. *Promotes oneness, openness & self-surrender as methods to achieve mental health, balance & happiness. Many activities are being included . Please check the poster for all details. Only serious inquiries entertained. Thank you, Jesno Jackson Art4you Gallery Whatsapp 00971509398211